# fractal.components

The .components property on the main fractal instance provides access to the components source object.

const fractal = require('@frctl/fractal').create();
fractal.components.set('ext', '.html');


The fractal.components object is a Collection and so inherits all the methods that are available on Collection instances in addition to those documented below. See the Collection documentation for full details.

# Methods

# .set(path, value)

  • path - String
  • value - String | Object

Set the value of a configuration setting, identified by its path. See the components configuration documentation for details of available options.

fractal.components.set('ext', '.html');

# .get(path)

  • path - String

Get the value of a configuration setting, identified by it's path. For a complete list of configuration values see the components configuration documentation.

console.log(fractal.components.get('ext')); // '.html'

# .engine(adapter)

  • adapter - Adapter | String

Set the template engine adapter to be used for rendering the component view templates.

fractal.components.engine('@frctl/nunjucks'); // no customisation needed, pass string of module name

const nunjucks = require('@frctl/nunjucks')({
    // set config here
fractal.components.engine(nunjucks); // or pass in configured Adapter instance

# .resolve(context)

  • context - Object

Resolve the supplied context object. Parses out and resolved @handle syntax data references and any promises contained in the data. Returns a Promise.

const resolvedContext = fractal.components.resolve({
    title: '@list.title',
    text: 'Some text',
    entries: someFunctionThatReturnsAPromise()

# .on(event, callback)

  • event - String
  • callback - Function

Listen out and respond to lifecycle events. See the Events section for more details.

fractal.components.on('changed', function(eventData){
	console.log(`Change in component directory detected`);

# .load()

Perform an initial read and parse of the components directory. Returns a Promise.

fractal.components.load().then(() => {
	console.log('Finished parsing components directory!');

# .watch()

Start a watch task to monitor the components directory for changes.


# .unwatch()

Stop any currently running watch tasks.


# Properties

# .label

The text used to reference the components source in any navigation.

# .title

The text used to reference the components source in any titles.

# .isLoaded

Boolean, true if the initial source directory read and parse has been completed.

# .fullPath

Full, resolved filesystem path to the components directory.

# Events

The fractal.components object is an EventEmitter and emits events that can be listened to via using the .on() method (documented above). Available events to listen for are described below:

# loaded

Emitted when Fractal has finished the initial parse of the components directory.

fractal.components.on('loaded', function(){
	console.log(`Components directory has been loaded`);

# changed

Emitted when one or more files in the components directory are added, removed or edited, but before Fractal has re-parsed the contents of the directory.

fractal.components.on('changed', function(eventData){
	console.log(`Change in components directory`);
  • eventData - an event data object, e.g. { event: 'change', path: 'path/to/file.scss' }

# updated

Emitted when Fractal has finished re-parsing the components directory after a change.

fractal.components.on('updated', function(source, eventData){
	console.log(`Components source has been updated`);
  • eventData - an event data object, e.g. { event: 'change', path: 'path/to/file.scss' }