# fractal.cli

The .cli property on the main fractal instance provides access to utilities for working with the Fractal CLI tool.

const fractal = require('@frctl/fractal').create();
fractal.cli.exec('start -s');

# .command(commandString, callback, opts)

  • commandString - String
  • callback - Function
  • opts - String | Object [optional]

Register a custom command to be made available to the Fractal CLI tool.

fractal.cli.command('foo <requiredArg> [optionalArg]', function(args, done){

The commandString describes the format that your command should take, and allows you to specify required and optional arguments.

The callback is a function that will be run when the command is called. The first argument it receives is a object containing the arguments parsed out of the command string, plus an object (options) containing any option flags that have been provided.

The opts argument can be a string to describe the function of the command, or it can be an configuration object. For example:

const options = {
    description: 'Start a server to run an HTTP API',
    options: [
        ['-p, --port <number>', 'The port to run the server on.'],

fractal.cli.command('api', function(args, done){
    // start the server...
    console.log(`Server started on port: ${args.options.port}`);
}, options);

// Use the command: `fractal api --port=4444`

# .exec()

Programmatically run any command that is available from the fractal CLI.

fractal.cli.exec('start --port=3333 --watch');

# .log()

Log a message to the console via Fractal's CLI formatter.

fractal.cli.log('Just some information');

# .error()

Log a message to the console via Fractal's CLI error formatter.

fractal.cli.error('Oops somthing went wrong!');